Saturday, November 1, 2008


I try to walk everyday and usually my walks take me along the waterfront where the views of the Manhattan skyline are amazing. I also pass the WWII memorial construction site which is just north of 4th street along Sinatra Drive. Today when I passed it I noticed a sign that stated the memorial would be opened in January 2008 and then another larger one stating the dedication would be on November 8, 2008. Peering through the gates, it looks like construction is done so I do believe the second sign about the dedication. But it amazes me that the opening is 10 months after the first date of January 2008. When I walked by the site the many times I have since I moved here in June I don't think I ever saw anyone actually working there so I doubt the project required more man hours than projected. I'm sure the delay was due to budget constraints but it would be nice to know the actual reason for the delay. To me construction sites can be such an eyesore.

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